General Practice Services
Some changes to these services have occurred as a result of the COVID Pandemic. For more information, visit our Latest Practice News page or contact us to speak to one of our receptionists.
- Disabled Access
- Who to turn to for advice
- Services available within the practice
- GP and Nurse Appointments
- General Health Checks
- Medical Examinations
- Carers
- Medical certificates
- Minor Injuries
- Chronic disease management and monitoring of medicines
- Immunisations
- Children
- Flu
- Pneumococcal
- Shingles
- Travel vaccinations, including downloadable form
- Health Screening
- Cervical screening
- Mammography (Breast Cancer screening)
- Bowel cancer screening
- Other screening
- Contraception
- The Extended Nursing Team
- Community Nurses / District Nurses
- Community Midwives
- Health Visitors
Disabled Access
We have a disabled toilet on the premises; however, we do not have any automatic doors. If you need assistance to access the building, please use the intercom at the front door or call who will assist you with your entry.
Who to turn to for advice:
A guide is available at . See NHS Inform for information / advice on specific medical conditions by visiting: or calling 0800 22 44 88.
Healthpoint can provide information on local services and offer advice on managing your known health conditions. Call, text or drop in to visit them at Aberdeen Health Village or Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Healthpoint can be contacted on 08085 202030, by texting 'Info' to 82727 or by visiting healthpoint
Services available within the practice
All GP practices are contracted to provide essential services, that is, basic treatment of ill people. We also provide the additional services:
GP and Nurse Appointments
All consultations are by appointment only and are usually for 10 - 15 minutes. If you require a double appointment to address multiple or complex problems, please mention this at the time of booking.
General Health Checks
Medical Examinations
Medical certificates
If you are ill and off work, you can self-certify for the first 7 days by completing an 'Employee Statement of sickness' form (SC2) which is supplied by your employer and available from the website. After 7 days if you think you are still unfit to work, contact us and ask to speak to a GP who can offer advice and, if necessary, a Fit Note stating whether you are fit to work or not can be issued.
Minor Injuries
Chronic disease management and monitoring of medicines
This includes a comprehensive review of patients with diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart disease, hypertension etc. We also undertake regular monitoring by blood and urine tests for patients on certain medicines which require this. Please let the receptionist know if you are booking an appointment for a review so that an appropriate appointment can be offered.
Immunisation for Children
Flu Immunisations
The annual flu immunisation programme starts in the Autumn and is available to patients over the age of 65 and those who are at risk due to chronic illness.
Pneumococcal Immunisations
This vaccination is available to the elderly and those at risk due to a chronic illness.
Shingles Immunisations
This vaccination is only available on the NHS to a small group of patients. If you are eligible, you will receive a letter inviting you to attend for an appointment.
Travel Vaccinations
We are currently only offering NHS-provided vaccines. If you are travelling abroad it is wise to consider what vaccines you will require well in advance - certain courses of vaccine are given over a period of 6 months. We would advise you to contact a private travel clinic for advice. If you are advised that some of your vaccinations are available on the NHS you can contact us to request these.
To request these download the form here and drop this into our letter box next to the front door. If you have advice from the clinic you contacted, please put this information on the form or ask them to contact us. You will then be given a telephone consultation with the nurse or doctor to discuss your requirements.
Some pharmacies offer travel vaccinations and Travel Clinic details are listed in our Useful Telephone Numbers.
Health screening
The practice encourages uptake of all health screening opportunities:
Cervical screening
All women between the ages of 20 and 60 years (except those who have undergone a hysterectomy) are invited to attend for a cervical smear. Patients aged 20-50 will be invited every three years. Patients over 50-64 will be invited every five years.
Please make an appointment with our practice nurse and tell the receptionist that your appointment is for a smear.
Mammography (Breast Cancer Screening)
This is offered to three yearly to all ladies between the ages of 50 and their 71st birthday and is performed at the Breast Screening Centre, Foresterhill, Aberdeen.
Appointments are automatically sent to you but please note that the first appointment could be any time between ages 50-53. Should you wish to continue screening beyond the specified age, then please contact Breast Screening Centre on 01224 550570.
Bowel Cancer screening
All patients between the ages of 50 and 74 will be sent a kit every two years. We strongly recommend that you return this as directed in the kit.
Should you overlook this or lose your kit, then please phone 0800 0121 833.
Other screening
Other health screening procedures can be considered on an individual risk basis. Should you have a strong family history of any specific illnesses then this may be worth discussing with a GP or nurse.
Contraceptive Services
Contraceptive advice and services for men and women are provided during normal surgery hours. If you wish to discuss a coil or implant, please make this known when booking your appointment. Free condoms are available from the surgery; these can be collected from a box located near the entrance to the surgery. Alternatively, there is a sexual health clinic at the Aberdeen Health Village, see our Useful Telephone Numbers page for details.
Emergency Contraception
All forms of emergency contraception are more effective the sooner they are used. Emergency contraception is available from local pharmacies and the Sexual Health Clinic at Aberdeen Health Village (see Useful Telephone Numbers).
If you feel you may need Emergency Contraception, it is vital that you contact either of the above options as early as possible. If you are in any doubt you can also contact the practice and request an on the day telephone consultation. If the need arises out of hours, you can also call NHS24 on 111.
The Extended Nursing Team
The information below is an overview of the extended nursing team. Their contact details are available on our Useful Telephone Numbers page.
Community / District Nurses
The Community Nurses are based at Cults Medical Practice and attend to patients who are in need of nursing care, tests or treatment at home. You will be referred by the doctor or the hospital if this is necessary. Community nurses can only visit patients who, due to illness or disability, are unable to attend the practice nurse.
Community Midwifery
The midwife team is based at the Community Midwifery Unit at the Aboyne Hospital. Midwife appointments are held at Cults Medical Practice. As soon as you know you are pregnant, call Cults Medical Practice (see our Useful Telephone Numbers page) and request that a first appointment be made with the midwife.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors are based at Cults Medical Practice. They are all qualified nurses with specialised training in child health, health promotion and health education.
At present they:
- run ante-natal classes/post natal classes
- have contact with families until children go to school
- are available for advice or minor ailments
- offer advice regarding child development and safety
- offer bereavement support, provide cancer support, give continence advice
- offer support on physical and emotional well-being of families
- offer health promotion and screening to the elderly
- provide advice and support for those affected by chronic illness.
Travel Questionnaire
Download the travel questionnaire and hand it in via our post box. We will contact you to discuss whether you are eligible for any NHS vaccines.