Local Services Telephone Numbers and Websites
Below are a list of phone numbers, website links and details of local services. You may also be interested in our Wellbeing Self-Help page with a range of resources and contact details for supporting wellbeing and mental health.
Emergency Services |
999 |
NHS 24 |
111 |
Camphill Medical Practice |
0345 375 2020 |
Camphill Wellbeing Trust |
01224 862 008 |
NHS Grampian Hospitals |
0345 456 6000 |
Sexual Health Clinic |
0345 337 9900 |
Diabetes Services Diabetes Supported Self-Management Psychology Service for patients with diabetes or at risk of diabetes |
https://www.nhsgrampiandiabetes.scot.nhs.uk/ Email gram.actnow@nhs.scot or Tel 01224 655755 There is also a new web page about prediabetes. |
Travel Clinic |
01224 558 126 |
GDENS - emergency dental |
0345 4565 990 |
NHS Inform Health Information |
0800 22 44 88 |
HealthPoint and CarersPoint |
08085 202030 |
Physiotherapy |
Advice and triage: 0800 9179 390 (currently closed) Physiotherapy self-referral: 01224 655698 Housebound: 01224 558324 |
Podiatry Self-referral form (outpatient) |
0345 099 0200 |
Health Visitors Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 9.30am |
01224 739965 |
01467 536111
Community (District) Nurse office in Cults Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 9.00am |
01224 860183 |
Midwife Advice (Aboyne) |
01339 887821 |
Midwife Appointments (Cults Medical Group) |
0345 337 1140 |
Patient Transport (ambulances to hospital appointments) |
Book: 0300 123 1236 Cancel: 08003 89133 |
Lloyds Pharmacy (Cults) |
01224 867566 |
Rowlands Pharmacy (Cults) |
01224 861624 |
Peterculter Pharmacy |
01224 732214 |
Occupational Therapy Self-Referral |
01224 764646 |
Duty Team at Occupational Therapy Bon Accord Care Home support, equipment, occupational therapy, community alarm, community meals |
or call 0800 141 2339 |
Autism One Stop Shop |
Alzheimer's Scotland |
01224 644077 |
North East Sensory Services support for deaf and blind people |
By appointment Call 0345 271 2345 or Text 07593 102 004 or email info@nesensoryservices.org |
Care and repair charity offering support with home repairs improvements, adaptations, heating, safety and security |
01224 251133 |
These numbers were correct at time of first publishing; 17th May 2021.
Podiatry Service Information Leaflet
Read this before referring yourself to podiatry
Podiatry Self-Referral Form
Fill this in to refer yourself to podiatry
Domicilliary Podiatry (home visit foot care) information
Read this to check you are eligible before you request a home visit from a podiatrist